Oct 26, 2017
East Bay is under threat of development and the discussion has been behind closed doors. Provo City Councilman Kay Van Buren is bringing sunshine to this process, starting with a rally at East Bay so that the public can start to be heard.
Here's a link to a great article about this by Dick Harmon of the Deseret News -- http://bit.ly/2ybadiy.
If you care about this great and meaningful course, and I know you do, now is the time to raise your voice. Please call or write to:
Mayor John Curtis -- 801.852.6105
City Council Office -- 801.852.6120
Council Member Kay Van Buren -- 801.420.0743, kay.provocouncil@gmail.com
Council Member Gary Winterton -- 801.372.6633, glwinterton@gmail.com
Council Member Kim Santiago -- 801.836.3008, kimsant43@gmail.com
Council Member Dave Knecht -- 801.921.7794, provostsouthdave@gmail.com
Council Member Dave Harding -- 801.310.9970, dharding@provo.org
Council Member Dave Sewell -- 801.341.0463, davesewellprovo@gmail.com
George Stewart -- 801.341.0463, georgejoannastewart@yahoo.com